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Ilan Oman

Tommy has an unwavering commitment to keeping old traditions alive and believes Culture must remain true to the past, while also adapting to the current social climate in order for it to exist into the future.

Ilan Oman explores themes of ilan pasin - island way - how life was and still is practised in the Torres Strait, particularly through the matriarchal line. On an island surrounded by water, law and order are essential for mutual relationships and co-existence. Women in Torres Strait society held a dominant space within society’s hierarchical structure.

“In our community, Tamwoy Town, our mothers had a very dominant role and position. They shared their day’s catch with everyone, and it was the kids that would distribute it to the families.”

Tommy Pau, 2023

Works in the exhibition highlight the female tradition of body adornment with Kowsadh sol, blooming flower textiles, that were fashioned into Au Gem Wali or big body clothes. This theme intertwines with domestic settings, oral narratives, historical events and practices that are traditional in nature but contemporary in their execution.

Ilan Oman comprises monochromatic and hand-coloured linocuts, exquisitely carved and referencing traditional myths and legends, as well as the artist’s personal anecdotes and experiences. Through these works Tommy retells and reframes Torres Strait Islander culture from the points of view of his grandmother, mother, aunties, sisters, and in-laws.

  – Brian Robinson

Kowsadh Sol (Red), 2023 Vinyl cut print on paper 157 x 80 cm A/P AUD 5,500

Red describes fire. This temperament is associated with the Greek choleric temperament of a strong decisive personality, driven and motivated.

Kowsadh Sol (Green), 2023 Vinyl cut print on paper 160 x 75 cm, A/P, AUD 5,500

Green describes Earth. This temperament is associated with the Greek phlegmatic temperament for a stable character. One that is down to earth – stable, calm and patient.

Zeuber Irkep (Eyes of the Sea), 2023-4, Vinyl cut print on paper, 98 x 73 cm A/P
AUD 4,300

Zeuber is when the waves from a water tube looks like an eye. Eyes
of the sea is the oman that watches out for the sea. The circle in her forehead is all the sea creatures she takes thought of. The name is given to girls with pretty eyes.

Under the Matt, 2023, Vinyl cut print on paper, 110.5 x 73 cm A/P
AUD 4,300

This term and practice is one of confidentiality. When something is put under the mat, it is not to be mentioned nor talked about, it is taboo. One class of confiden- tiality is Island adoption. Once a child is given to someone, the discussion is put Under the Mat.

Mothers Union,
Vinyl cut print on paper 163 x 84 cm
AUD 5,500

This movement was a powerful social and religious movement in the Torres Strait. All Ilan Oman of the Anglican Church de- nomination was a member of the Mother’s Union. They taught spiritual and civil education. They also underwent academic and theological training.

I witnessed my ama (aunty) who was Head Mother, organis- ing events for up to a thousand women from all islands in the Torres Strait. She commanded respect and a strong presence at public meetings as well.

I Ilan Oman, 2023-24 Vinyl cut print on paper 177 x 95 cm

AUD 5,500

This print is to encourage young girls to be proud of their heritage and iden- tity as Torres Strait Islander Oman.

Oman Nor Krai, 2023, Vinyl cut print on paper, 96 x 76 cm A/P
AUD 3,900

Oman Nor Krai is a revelation from Bob Marley’s song: No Women No Cry. Once I understood the meaning of the song, I could then see the trait in Ilan Oman. Reflecting on this title, I remember seeing this reality practiced in my mum attitude to life. I could see in my memory that she never complained but was confident in her sur- vival skills to provide food for us. Wherever we stayed, she would plant crops as it was our agrarian tradition and culture. Her gardening skill was exceptional, and we always had food from the ground when we did not have money to buy food from the shops. The print is done following a constructivism style where elements are related to Torres Strait art style.

Iiwell, 2023-24 Vinyl cut print on paper 175 x 97 cm A/P AUD 5,500

Ilwel is the planet Venus-the morning star. This name was given to Island Oman who rise before dawn to prepare food for those that will rise to go hunting, fishing, or gardening. She also gathers household items such as firewood.

My mum was given this name and she lived up to this charac- ter trait of rising early before everyone to prepare food for us to go to school and work.

Ilwel is also Oman of Meb (the Moon). When the moon and Venus are in alignment it is said that Ilwel and Meb come together and when they move from their orbit, it is said Meb and Ilwel depart till the next reunion.

Kek mermer, 2023-24, Vinyl cut print on paper, 175 x 90.5 cm, A/P AUD 5,500

Kek mermer means full of forwardness. I use this name here to describe this char- acter’s assertiveness and strong temperament. In Galen terms, she would be a sim- ilar character who is found in Margret Lawrie’s Myth and Legends of the Torres Strait (I mermer and Kek mermer page 291). In the story, the two sisters ran away from a deceitful character, Kairi.

Maret Oman, 2023-24 Vinyl cut print on paper 90 x 77 cm A/P AUD 3,900

Maret Oman (Married Women) in Torres Strait culture has a status that is above single women. She is not the same as them thus her behaviour changes to a higher level of behaviour and responsibility. Maret Oman was marked with marks that identified them as being married. Thus, in contemporary Torres Strait culture, maret oman are to dress modesty and not like a single girl. She must not mingle with single girls but teach them community life and living.

She has been elevated by the community to a higher status and respected as a integral part of community, someone who has a high standard of moral and ethical behaviour. This dignified position must be upheld as this is what a stable society is predicated on.

The concept of the colours arose from the names of the two sisters: I mermer and Kek mermer. The naming of these two characters entails that Islanders ob- served (digmir) their people and their behaviours and traits and named them and related to them accordingly.

The factors of the naming convention for naming children are from observable temperament, traits, and physicality. As an example, strength will be given a name such as Beizam (shark) or known places for a recorded event. People also appropriate names of famous people also. My mum’s great, great grandfather appropriated the name, Kapen Kuk (Captain Cook) because of his ability to sail. This culture is still practiced in Papua New Guinea today.

Kowsadh Sol (Blue), 2023 Vinyl cut print on paper 161 x 75 cm

AUD 5,500

Blue describes water. This temperament is associated with the Greek melancholic temperament for an analytic mind that is pragmatic and observant (Meriam Mir: digmir)

Kowsadh Sol (Yellow), 2023 Vinyl cut print on paper 158 x 75 cm

AUD 5,500

Yellow describes air. This temperament is associated with the Greek sanguine temperament of a determined and inspiring creative person, one who is enthu- siastic, social, active and overly talkative.

Vinyl cut print on paper 178 x 95 cm
AUD 5,500

The print references the concept of mother in Torres Strait culture. Pregnancy is celebrated by the whole community as this is an increase to the family. The elders of the family usually name children or give names to children when they are born. They look at the character of the child and name the child according to what they observed. If a child is strong at birth, he or she will be name after strong things such as shark (Beizam).

Ama is also mother to all of her sister’s children as their own. Ama shares her breast milk if another woman’s breast milk is dry. The eldest sister is called Big Ama. The last sister is called Small Ama. Others are called by their name with the suffix ama, such as Betty ama. Ama is also a nickname for girls named after their grandmothers or mothers.

Every ama teaches young girls and boy’s skills that they have acquired and have become very competent at, such as gardening, fishing, storytelling, or history teaching.

Mohara (a survivor of Cyclone Mahina) 2023-24 Vinyl cut print on paper 178 x 95 cm A/P AUD 5,500

Mohara is one of the survivors of Cyclone Mahania in 1899. Mahania was formed from two systems, one from the Coral Sea and one from the Ara- fura Sea coming over Cape York to form a perfect storm. This storm caught the Torres Strait pearling fleet anchored out from Bathurst Bay. Almost one hundred and fifty boats were sunk or damaged and almost 300 Islanders and European lives were lost. There is a monument at Cape Melville and a plaque in the Anglican Church on Waibene. The monument mentioned the names of Europeans but has a footnote to the 300 nameless non-Europeans.

Mohara’s story should be told as she swam in cyclonic conditions for 7 hours with two European men clinging to her till they reached shore. Maura was awarded the Royal Humane Society’s Gold Medal which is the highest medal in this award category for an unselfish life-saving act. This is my contribution to promote the recognition of a strong oman’s humanity to other people.


Imermer, 2023-24, Vinyl cut print on paper, 162 x 86 cm, A/P AUD 5,500

Imermer is the sister of Kek mermer.
I mermer means full of water. The name was given to I mermer as it describes her empathic temperament. She cries easily as she understands, relates, and shares the feelings of others.

Two Sister Star, 2024, Vinyl cut print on paper, 109 x 80 cm 1/15
AUD 4,300

Two Sisters is from a body of work called: Ad Wer (Sacred Stars Stories). The two sisters are called Adud Wer (Bad Star) and Munie (Birth Canal). Adud Wer bought or let Islanders know that insect and disease season is approaching so preparing garden crops from loss should begin. For exam- ple, Islanders wrap bananas with leaves so insects and diseases won’t ruin the crop. Munie brings signs of a good harvest.

Robert (Tommy) Pau

Language groups: Torres Strait Creole

Robert (Tommy) Pau was born in Townsville in 1967 and has cultural connections to Australian Aboriginal people, the Eastern Torres Strait islands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands and Asia.

From a young age Tommy was taught to understand and respect the need for keeping culture strong through traditional cultural practices. His father believed passionately in the old traditions and keeping them alive, and Tommy shares this passion, believing that culture must remain true to the past while moving with the time so that it continues to exist and be relevant and strong.

Tommy works across a range of media, using printmaking techniques as well as painting and sculpture to create works that depict historical and contemporary interpretations of different aspects of his culture. 

Tommy has participated in numerous exhibitions and his works are represented in a number of major public and private collections in Australia. In 2016 he won the Telstra Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander Art Award for works on paper, and in 2022 he received a Cairns Art Gallery Fellowship Award sponsored by the Cairns RSL Club.