Tommy has an unwavering commitment to keeping old traditions alive and believes Culture must remain true to the past, while also adapting to the current social climate in order for it to exist into the future.
Ilan Oman explores themes of ilan pasin - island way - how life was and still is practised in the Torres Strait, particularly through the matriarchal line. On an island surrounded by water, law and order are essential for mutual relationships and co-existence. Women in Torres Strait society held a dominant space within society’s hierarchical structure.
“In our community, Tamwoy Town, our mothers had a very dominant role and position. They shared their day’s catch with everyone, and it was the kids that would distribute it to the families.”
Tommy Pau, 2023
Works in the exhibition highlight the female tradition of body adornment with Kowsadh sol, blooming flower textiles, that were fashioned into Au Gem Wali or big body clothes. This theme intertwines with domestic settings, oral narratives, historical events and practices that are traditional in nature but contemporary in their execution.
Ilan Oman comprises monochromatic and hand-coloured linocuts, exquisitely carved and referencing traditional myths and legends, as well as the artist’s personal anecdotes and experiences. Through these works Tommy retells and reframes Torres Strait Islander culture from the points of view of his grandmother, mother, aunties, sisters, and in-laws.
– Brian Robinson